posted ago by Unknownsailor ago by Unknownsailor +38 / -0

Here in Seattle there is skepticism that the outflow of residents moving out of the state are doing it for purely political reasons.

Here we have a writer for the local far left newspaper Seattle Times taking a look at a database Idaho released in late November, and he realized that yes, people ARE leaving for political reasons.

Key paragraph:

This is the “big sort,” proven. It’s long been known that the U.S. is separating into silos, driven mostly by vocation (such as Big Tech clustering on the coasts), by age or education (young college grads flocking to cities) or by affordability (the middle and working classes getting priced out of cities). These divisions are reflected in politics. This latest data suggests, though, that which team you’re on politically is now itself a driving force behind at least some of the sorting.

WA doesn't register voters by party, so this sort of thing is hard to detect there. Idaho does register by party, and the registration stats from arriving WA residents are telling a story.

Former NBC affiliate reporter Alison Morrow, herself a WA refugee now living in FL, has a video on this too.
