Both the "trans" people I've known were very clearly pressured into it by malevolent women, I would really love to see this kill off the trans-industrial-complex.
We shouldn't be hacking healthy body parts off for profit.
This is like the equivalent of saying "some guy got his legs blown off in the war, so to make him feel better, we'll convince some healthy people to get their legs blown off in our medical surgery center".
Both the "trans" people I've known were very clearly pressured into it by malevolent women, I would really love to see this kill off the trans-industrial-complex.
We shouldn't be hacking healthy body parts off for profit.
Someone will say "what about plastic surgery?".
Well plastic surgery isn't meant to cause what's operated on to become dysfunctional.
I would argue that plastic surgery to remove a mole, or a breast reduction to fix lifelong physical issue has a use.
Whereas plastic surgery that results in something like this should perhaps be banned one way or another as well:,width-1070,height-580,imgsize-122127,resizemode-75,overlay-toi_sw,pt-32,y_pad-40/photo.jpg
This is like the equivalent of saying "some guy got his legs blown off in the war, so to make him feel better, we'll convince some healthy people to get their legs blown off in our medical surgery center".