Under the main x tweet, the former president Jimmy Carter shares valuable insight and you have no idea how long ago the interview took place. By the looks of it, it seems pretty old and well, that just makes how I view the greatest ally overall worse than even before and I was already not fond of them to begin with. It made me think the comment I made two months ago aged rather well when you look at the current situation and now this tweet(x).
Under the main x tweet, the former president Jimmy Carter shares valuable insight and you have no idea how long ago the interview took place. By the looks of it, it seems pretty old and well, that just makes how I view the greatest ally overall worse than even before and I was already not fond of them to begin with. It made me think the comment I made two months ago aged rather well when you look at the current situation and now this tweet(x).
i mean. they think we're animals so no matter how low you think of them they probably think of us lower.
I definitely don't think to myself "raping a 9 year old Jewish girl is like nothing"