posted ago by Lethn ago by Lethn +24 / -1

We really do live in the shittiest dystopia, I totally get if you're not some SJW virtue signaller sponsors are hard to come by but I've been noticing things again ( I know but I can't help it ) and there's this pretty weird trend I'm seeing of youtubers now shilling drugs. I'm very capitalist and I do respect the hustle to a degree but like with finance stuff that kind of thing manages to make even me feel a bit uncomfortable.

Think I'm going to have to name names on this one because I bet as well they're going to be marked up to hell and not necessarily even good products when you can get the exact same shit over the count without any issues. Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones went through this shit with those weird supplements they were peddling but now I feel we're getting into the realms of shady where even youtuber chiefs are going "Hey guys! Try this mysterious powder for a better sleep!" and the lotus eaters have gone that route too because wah demonetisation, I'm not shocked this has finally happened. It's enough to make even me nope out of there and then they'll wonder why their viewership is tanking and claim they're being censored.

That does seem to be a trend with certain people and I'm putting out a bit of a warning on this one. They whine about demonetisation constantly. Do dumb shit for monetisation through other means, then they do try and make it out that oh it must be because of youtube screwing us that our viewership is dropping it can't be because things are starting to get unwatchable now.

The political commentator crowd especially don't seem to understand that their content just doesn't do that well because it's oversaturated as fuck and it's not even necessarily anything to do with youtube algorithm shenanigans. Do these guys even know what's actually in this stuff? They claim they do, or did they just get a brief from the sponsor in an email and are peddling it because of how much they're getting? Which to me given the history of youtubers that do this seems more likely.