posted ago by MrGiggles ago by MrGiggles +43 / -2

I've always known that indie gaming was a cesspool of leftist scum, but there were at least a decent amount of games that tried to have some semblance of good gameplay,. Now though, the scene is absolutely dominated by trannies and faggots in the West. The Nintendo Indie Direct epitomized this perfectly. Sure, we had Shantae and Blade Chimera (a game made by a Japanese developer, if I recall correctly), but everything else was just derivative shit. They showed the creative director of some walking simulator "hiking game" and the creative director is an ugly tranny with the squeakiest of voices, of course. It's just a perfect encapsulation of how bad indie gaming in the West has become.

Every other game was some variation of a "cozy" game (like Animal Crossing, but nowhere near the appeal) or a walking simulator with some leftist drivel of a "story." Characters are obnoxious women or minorities, or are degenerate looking furries. The vast majority of games are some variation of roguelike/roguelite, with either farming, crafting, or deckbuilding inserted. Souls-likes are frustratingly common among metroidvania games, and the vast majority of them are some variation of Castlevania Symphony of the Night with Dark Souls (as though they are copying and pasting some kind of gameplay template from somewhere). None of these games try to do anything deeper in terms of gameplay and any "gimmick" is forcefully inserting a different genre that adds nothing to the experience.

As technology becomes easier, more and more lame faggots take over who really don't give a shit about video gaming (they treat games like movies) and just want to make some woke nonsense with as little gameplay as possible. We are at the point where trannies and faggots are the norm rather than the exception, and gaming is completely suffering as a result. What few good indie games coming out compared to the shit, is basically just slightly better than ratio of "good" AAA games to slop AAA games, and it's pointless to pretend that indie gaming is adding anything to the industry other than decline.

These days, Western indie developers shouldn't be seen as talented individuals who wanted to strike out on their own to do their own thing. They should be treated as incompetent leftists who are so awful that even AAA studios refuse to hire them. It's pathetic to see how open and proud these Western indie developers are with their faggot lifestyles, and the games they produce are all soulless and creatively bankrupt.