Currently reading The Vision of the Anointed by Thomas Sowell and the book I finished before it was Knellers Happy Campers by Edgar Kenet which is a short story that was adapted into a movie in like 06 called Wristcutters about a guy who kills himself and goes to an afterlife for all the people who committed suicide. I learned it was based on the short story so I found it for cheap and read it
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Currently on The Jump Ship by Andrew Moriarty (terrible pen name imo). It's what I would call a cheeseburger book. Nothing special but enough to satisfy you until dinner.
Before that was Great North Road by Peter Hamilton, that was a treekiller of a book at shy over 1800 pages.
Need to get back to Gene Wolfes Book of the New Sun. But his writing style is just hard to read imo.
What is Great North about?