Needed to make this a main post for the sake of visibility, but in general, I think reset the clock did a lot more damage than help, because of the fact that people believe that the only reason you could ever be against a certain thing, is because you’re engaging in it yourself, when we know for a fact that isn’t the case.
To be specific, it is very much possible to be against loli/shota porn and not be an IRL predator. People like Ableist forget that, while I’m not against it existing per se, I understand why certain places would ban it altogether, and I would actually like for Ableist or anyone else to actually post the specific places where “governments ban loli/shota porn and waste police resources” where people have actually been arrested for the sole possession of that fictional content, because as much as you say that, I’ve never seen it. Unless that’s like a European thing, I’ve generally never heard of that before.
I just don’t get why some people don’t understand why the average person thinks that someone who jerks off to loli/shota porn isn’t right in the head.
Haven’t been able to comment myself because busy with work, but just in general, I think that there’s too many things that make this topic so inflammatory the moment, but I will say that I don’t necessarily think it matters that Eri from My Hero Academia has gigantic eyes and is fictional, the fact that Eri is underage means that if people find porn of her, that’s gonna set some people off pretty damn badly, as imo “a human is a human”, as fictional media has a lot more influence than people think, or else the Long March Through The Institutions would’ve been for no reason at all whatsoever.