The intrinsic defining problem with the Left
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Just an FYI, Dennis Prager is controlled opposition. Be careful of anything he says.
There is no such thing as Judeo-Christian. This is a term popularized by jewish people in order to give clout to jews. Christianity is the only religion. There is no judaism in Christianity, there is only Christianity. Judeo-Christianity is an attempt to use language to undermine Christianity and give more credence to judaism.
The rest of the article was literally a propaganda trash piece trying to say religious people were superior to non-religious because religious people try to improve themselves while non-religious do not. This is total garbage. The divide isn't religious vs. non-religious because many religious people are some of the most self-centered least introspective people around. There isn't even a very good correlative aspect to it from religious to non-religious. And what constitutes non-religious to Dennis? Pagans? I would argue many Aryan traditions are superior to both Christianity and Judaism in regards to improving oneself. Only someone so biased about their own religious superiority could write this trash. Christianity is often a religion that doesn't look upon improving oneself in the real world because a Christian's idea of improving is only from a virtuous perspective in order to carry-on passed this material world into the spiritual world. Many Christians pull-away from any true improvement in this world because they don't see the outcome of this world as the world that matters. A Christian's "improvement" is often in a manner that has 0 impact on the world as a whole, which arguable, is no improvement whatsoever.
Even if Dennis didn't say what the intrinsic problem with the left is himself in this article, I will quote Dennis Prager to explain the problem with the left:
Here Prager suggests the reason secular jews are inherently leftist is because "Jews have been taught by Judaism to make a better world." and "they did it through secular ideologies" instead of through "ethical monotheism (teach the world god is the source of ethics and demands ethical behavior)"
Prager was much closer to the truth with this previous comment of his. The simple fact of the matter is that the moral values Christianity teaches are superior to the moral values leftism teaches. One is good and the other is evil. You can probably figure out which is which. It has nothing to do with viewing oneself as what needs to change vs. viewing others as needing to change. This is a common theme that comes up often and you have to be very careful when people discuss this. The reason you have to be careful is often people who say the problem is that you need to work on "yourself" instead of "fixing others" are the very problem people in society that simply do not want you as competitive in impacting society so they tell you to pull-away from impacting society to focus on yourself in order to give them free reign to shape society how they want society to be without you getting in the way by trying to force your thoughts on how society should be on everyone else. These people are undermining your power by telling you all your problems in society are based on yourself and you need to just let them do whatever they want while you focus on your own self-directed spiritual journey out of their way. The people who tell you this are evil.
Leftism is rooted in the underlying philosophical belief that all humans are equal and any difference in outcome between humans is due to some sort of underlying oppression (the communist theory). The reason leftists hate America so much is because the foundational values of America are rooted in "rugged individualism" which asserts the very opposite: all people are inequal and any outcome between people is due to some sort of underlying superiority from one person to the next (the free-market capitalist theory). Leftism was created as the contra-position to the core Traditional American value system.
Now why do leftists believe what they believes? That's simple: most think believing it is beneficial. Why do they think it's beneficial? That varies. I can say this. The people in society with wealth and power actually prefer if most people believe "the communist theory" because that means less competition for them compared to if everyone believed "the free-market capitalist theory" because those with wealth and power can ensure that the actual superior people in society that might pose as their competition stay oppressed under the guise of elevating the "real" oppressed people in society (as it exists under the communist theory); however, in reality these people are not oppressed and they are simply inferior which is why they pose no threat to those who already have wealth and power.
The end result of a leftist society is that there exists a small overclass which dominates the underclass by ensuring that within the underclass the inferior are unjustly elevated by unjustly oppressing the superior. In this way, those who are superior that might pose a threat to the wealth and power of the overclass and never given the opportunity to. Leftism is about keeping you enslaved under the guise of helping you. Leftists are useful idiots who have fallen for the trick but sadly many leftists haven't fallen for the trick, they are inherently inferior people who deserve to be nothing but slaves (why race mixing is encouraged to the masses) and their natural disposition can be utilized by the masters to ensure those who could become something other than slave are never given this opportunity.
Prager just wants to view everything within the lens of religion but such a lens is too simplistic and hardly captures what's going on at all.
Unfathomably based