I had the misfortune of running into a leftist analysis on Rich Men North of Richmond today. the thing that made me stop watching was when he said
in the next lyric, we can clearly see where this guy gets his news
gets his news
It made me think about my conversations with both leftists and Qtards alike, where they constantly talk about how news source x is unreliable and news source y is the one that tells the truth.
Anyone who is here from GamerGate knows that news sources are unreliable as fuck, as well as being highly prone to lies by omission and otherwise pushing an agenda. this is been true from CNN, to Fox News, to Zero Hedge, to Breitbart, to MSNBC, to any other online blogging rag.
This a world where if someone is simply "getting their news" from somewhere, they do not have the whole truth and are likely in a complete bubble.
One should not be "getting their news", one should be hunting the news and hunting the truth. anything less means you are just believing what someone else wants you to believe.
flashbacks to Digg