Note that "factory-set combinations" do not include their own master codes. They still have that whenever fedbois want to break into your safe. At least it now takes a court summons instead of a fucking phone call, so it's a small victory for the copeservatives that don't want to be Just as Bad™ as the Left by engaging in Cancel Culture™.
Note that "factory-set combinations" do not include their own master codes. They still have that whenever fedbois want to break into your safe.
Note that they already gave that out.
Do we think a firm stupid enough to backdoor their own kit would implement different backdoors or have a one-size-fits-all code across their entire product line?
Even if the backdoor master code is some manner of algorithm, they'll have handed it out enough times for the feds to reverse-engineer it so they can produce safe codes at will.
Note that "factory-set combinations" do not include their own master codes. They still have that whenever fedbois want to break into your safe. At least it now takes a court summons instead of a fucking phone call, so it's a small victory for the copeservatives that don't want to be Just as Bad™ as the Left by engaging in Cancel Culture™.
Note that they already gave that out.
Do we think a firm stupid enough to backdoor their own kit would implement different backdoors or have a one-size-fits-all code across their entire product line?
Even if the backdoor master code is some manner of algorithm, they'll have handed it out enough times for the feds to reverse-engineer it so they can produce safe codes at will.