The climate change narrative insists that we are all doing something wrong. The results, they say, will be catastrophic for the planet. What we are doing wrong is: activities that put carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. That all of our private and public behaviors result in carbon dioxide emissions is pretty much true, but is carbon dioxide emission the worst thing the western consumer is doing environmentally speaking?
When is the last time you heard discussion of any other form of industrial pollution? The production of EV batteries is environmentally catastrophic. Most consumer electronics carry a similar pollution cost. While activists shout for us to stop using cars, disposable consumer products continue to dominate the market.
I’m not a fan of doomers, but I am concerned that we are covering up real ecological damage with the specter of climate change. Thoughts?
Even as someone who recognizes anthropogenic climate change, there's no questions that plastics, damaged soil, and damaged waterways are much more likely to be an immediate threat.
Consumer electronics probably carry more of a cost than a vehicle.
Worse, I'm afraid they are using "climate change" as a quick way of diverting additional funds to their embezzlement schemes; while also pretending like they are doing something for the horrors they actually inflict.
Newsome keeps crying "climate change" while California's wildfire policy has been provably wrong for 50 years and it's only getting worse. The government of Maui may have directly killed over a thousand people from misconduct at best, and they are crying about climate change to deflect from mass murder.
Andrew Cuomo did the same thing when it looked like Lee Zeldin might win in NY State, and possibly start charges against him for the 43,000 counts of negligent homicide he committed. He distracted everyone by saying "Ahhhh, Imma an italiano! I toucha dah women's faces!" and the Democrats quietly ushered him out with a fake scandal instead of a murder case.
and if socialism could work to preserve the environment, why has it been Socialist and Communit countries that have been the absolute worst for the environment on every level.