Subverting your enemy into throwing its vital reproductive supply into the meat grinder sounds like a lost chapter of the Art of War.
Women can fight. Yes there are certain issues that need to be accounted for to make it viable, but that's not the primary reason they aren't traditionally on the front line getting themselves killed for the sake of some chode leader's massive political temper tantrum. You morons think men WANT to throw their fucking lives away for dumbass reasons?
Subverting your enemy into throwing its vital reproductive supply into the meat grinder sounds like a lost chapter of the Art of War.
Women can fight. Yes there are certain issues that need to be accounted for to make it viable, but that's not the primary reason they aren't traditionally on the front line getting themselves killed for the sake of some chode leader's massive political temper tantrum. You morons think men WANT to throw their fucking lives away for dumbass reasons?