The 1000-page document, which has seen three revisions and two public hearings, aims to “structure the teaching of the state’s math standards around ‘big ideas’ that integrate rather than isolate math concepts,” “allow students to ‘see themselves’ in curriculum and in math-related careers by making math instruction culturally relevant and empowering” and “instill confidence in learners by dispelling myths about who can and cannot learn math.”
Flying in 20 years will be like playing Russian Roulette. Maybe your air traffic controller can add, maybe he has an education like this.
The reliance on machines will have to increase to compensate, or we'll just import all our engineers and accountants...what could go wrong!
The prognosis is harsh but clear: either selection for competence will return or America will experience devolution to more primitive forms of civilization and loss of geopolitical power.
The recent ruling against affirmative action helps. But I'm afraid the entrenched academic bureaucracies have done too much damage already and will work tirelessly to ensure that equity happens anyway. There are plenty of workarounds that can give preference to stupid people with the right genes.
Flying in 20 years will be like playing Russian Roulette. Maybe your air traffic controller can add, maybe he has an education like this.
The reliance on machines will have to increase to compensate, or we'll just import all our engineers and accountants...what could go wrong!
A sobering article.
The recent ruling against affirmative action helps. But I'm afraid the entrenched academic bureaucracies have done too much damage already and will work tirelessly to ensure that equity happens anyway. There are plenty of workarounds that can give preference to stupid people with the right genes.