posted ago by GimmeFuelGimmeFire ago by GimmeFuelGimmeFire +41 / -2

It's on twitter which I can't link to because Musk is being a gay bitch right now but her tweet literally is just "the Constitution was written by slave owners," that's it, there's no attached commentary. It's a bad faith argument masquerading as a trivia fact, as though slavery is so bad that everything the Founders did needs to be discarded because they owned slaves.

She's a retarded nigger and the only reason she's an American and not a rape-slave in Uganda is because her great-great-great-great-grandparents were sold into slavery in the first place. The Constitution is more important and more significant than anything produced by any other race, slave-owning or no. It's possibly our species' crowning achievement (until we colonize exo-planets).