Demographic crisis is a major threat. We aren't having enough kids as a society & if this trend continues, we will suffer economic collapse followed by military/political collapse in favor of some other country which solves this 1st.
However, I don't want to sacrifice quality for quantity & have a society overrun with trash people. That will only result in more Democrat voters & our society will be destroyed anyway.
Any couples statistically likely to be able to have "good" kids who will be productive members of society, should be increasingly compelled by state incentives & coercion to have kids, including banning them from having abortions [with an exception if the kid is a mutant or retard].
Any couples (or single moms) statistically likely to spawn burdens to society should be encouraged to have abortions at the earliest possible time.
Novel I read many years ago, In Conquest Born, had these two galactic empires basically at a stalemate. One of them was nominally democratic and just, but ruthlessly enforced uniformity on its populace
The other was ruled by a small population who literally could put anyone else to death on a whim and were wealthy overlords, but, for the average citizen, they had far more freedoms than in the other empire.
Anyway, the tiny pure-blooded population who ruled the one empire had reproduction problems. Not enough genetic diversity, not enough kids, and women had trouble carrying kids to term.
Well, the laws of this empire mandated that every member of the ruling class must have 5 kids. This meant that even undesirables with healthy issues HAD to have 5 kids. As a result of this forced breeding, they were making their own issues worse.
Not really relevant, but it was a good book.