Pros: incredible English voice acting, combat has DMC levels of ingenuity for combos, self styled difficulty levels, somehow managed to make a game of thrones story while throwing in Godzilla monster sized epic fights.
Cons: the stagger system can feel boring, especially in mini boss fights.
I would recommend the game alone for the cinematics, voice acting, and not needing to shoehorn any diversity. The monster design and detail on even goblins to be vicious little Pygmies.
Inb4 someone starts crying BuT tHeRe'S a GaY mAn!!
Glad you enjoyed it. I gotta wait for next year at the earliest.
There’s a gay guy?
If that's a serious response, then this whole gay guy ordeal is even LESS of an issue than I thought. I'd presumed it was in your face main story, that it was the Bahamut guy or something. If that's not the case, this seems even more non-issue.
I took it as semi androgynous possibly gay guy that’s in almost every Japanese game/ manga/ anime
There was an xbox360 jrpg where the like mysterious hero that was aiding you all along the game ended up being the gay friend that you thought died at the beginning and he was just like ‘I’m too fabulous not to have a fun costume’ and that was just it.