For the sheer amount of shit he keeps on spamming he'd be banned anywhere.
It doesn't even matter if his obsession is women.
If hotdogs were his thing and he replied every thread talking about how hotdogs are awesome, with several replies, frequently derailing threads into hotdog discussion, he would still be banned anywhere. What he does is nothing more than spamming.
One thing I've noticed in many political/personality/drama/identity forums is that a village idiot is often tolerated to give the other members a communal punching bag. Impy is more monotonous spam than idiot, but his un-nuanced monocausal obsession crosses the duncehat threshold. I don't pay close attention here 75% of the year, but I haven't noticed any other persistent derailers. Tolerating blatantly IQ-damaging commentators who don't outright break rules will sink any community.
For the sheer amount of shit he keeps on spamming he'd be banned anywhere.
It doesn't even matter if his obsession is women.
If hotdogs were his thing and he replied every thread talking about how hotdogs are awesome, with several replies, frequently derailing threads into hotdog discussion, he would still be banned anywhere. What he does is nothing more than spamming.
One thing I've noticed in many political/personality/drama/identity forums is that a village idiot is often tolerated to give the other members a communal punching bag. Impy is more monotonous spam than idiot, but his un-nuanced monocausal obsession crosses the duncehat threshold. I don't pay close attention here 75% of the year, but I haven't noticed any other persistent derailers. Tolerating blatantly IQ-damaging commentators who don't outright break rules will sink any community.