Although Viva & Barnes whole stream is good (including the Trump analysis), I want to point out the very beginning where Viva goes over the very beginning.
In order to defame and smear the Child Safety protest as "violent" and "far-right" let's go over what the Left actually did:
Protests were set to approach a school that had been engage in Queer indoctrination
Police allowed Counter Protestors to cut off the protest route
Protestors diverted to get around the Counter Protestors
Counter Protestors then "kettled" the Anti-Indoctrination protestors on a residential street that the could not leave without being physically assaulted by counter-protestors.
Counter Protestors then agitate for violence and scuffles ensue
One Leftist politician hits himself in the face with his own megaphone
As a result:
Leftists claimed that protestors were harassing a residential neighborhood
Leftist politicians claimed that protestors were violent and were beating counter protestors.
Leftists demand more aggressive restrictions and monitoring on "far right" "riotous" "mob", along with more confrontation against them.
This is a reminder: protests must always be strictly organized. Leftists, frankly, have been doing this longer than any of you ever have, and will be assisted by the police when the government deems it beneficial to do so.
The primary objective of most of the Leftist counter-protests is to smear the protestors as violent. This will then be used to document to government officials that no right-wing protest is capable of peaceable assembly, and much stronger security, confinement, and surveillance measures are needed.
This is why small right-wing protests are infiltrated by feds, agent provocateurs, and greeted with thousands of police. Whereas, Lefti-wing terror campaigns are met with funding, support, and taking a knee in solidarity. Every single documented case of every single right-wing protest will have multiple documented cases of violence, and zero will be blamed on Leftist agitation, co-ordination, and violence.
I'm more of a fan of quiet subversion rather than protests. If protests worked, you'd already be shot.
Although Viva & Barnes whole stream is good (including the Trump analysis), I want to point out the very beginning where Viva goes over the very beginning.
In order to defame and smear the Child Safety protest as "violent" and "far-right" let's go over what the Left actually did:
As a result:
This is a reminder: protests must always be strictly organized. Leftists, frankly, have been doing this longer than any of you ever have, and will be assisted by the police when the government deems it beneficial to do so.
The primary objective of most of the Leftist counter-protests is to smear the protestors as violent. This will then be used to document to government officials that no right-wing protest is capable of peaceable assembly, and much stronger security, confinement, and surveillance measures are needed.
This is why small right-wing protests are infiltrated by feds, agent provocateurs, and greeted with thousands of police. Whereas, Lefti-wing terror campaigns are met with funding, support, and taking a knee in solidarity. Every single documented case of every single right-wing protest will have multiple documented cases of violence, and zero will be blamed on Leftist agitation, co-ordination, and violence.
I'm more of a fan of quiet subversion rather than protests. If protests worked, you'd already be shot.