Hmmm. If profitability is the issue, why did you blanket ban one of the (if not the) most popular subs a few years back? And why are you actively helping moderators chase half the population off your subreddit for wrongthink?
They can fudge the user numbers so that barely matters. They were caught providing numbers to advertisers that didnt match up to info provided to users.
When it comes to the actual material hosted on the site, it is either compliant with globohomo or it isnt. There is no fudging it. Even if a shill wrote it, it's there, it's "real", and the metric Reddit has tended to in order to survive globohomo is such material's prevalence over genuine user material i.e. wrongthink
Hmmm. If profitability is the issue, why did you blanket ban one of the (if not the) most popular subs a few years back? And why are you actively helping moderators chase half the population off your subreddit for wrongthink?
They can fudge the user numbers so that barely matters. They were caught providing numbers to advertisers that didnt match up to info provided to users.
When it comes to the actual material hosted on the site, it is either compliant with globohomo or it isnt. There is no fudging it. Even if a shill wrote it, it's there, it's "real", and the metric Reddit has tended to in order to survive globohomo is such material's prevalence over genuine user material i.e. wrongthink