My answer is obvious, but I'll leave it here to start with.
We need to reduce the representation of women in education massively. The majority of women seeking these roles have malicious intent, and are actively harming young boys.
We know they don't mark boys fairly, but that's just the peak of the insidious feminist plot.
They've clearly been destroying the self-worth of boys in the schools to groom a new generation of woman worshipping simps.
Kids in our area attend a school district where the PTA influences the school board.
This is an affluent suburban district and the PTA funds are essential to providing classrooms with the latest tech, site trips, free supplies, etc.
The PTA also steers parents on how to vote for members of the school board.
You don't fuck with privileged Karens that want little Gunner to grow up a well educated manly man who can provide for a pretty wife with great genetics for those grandchildren, and also take care of Karen in her old age.