Like ABinbev, even if they curb their goober ways, they must still be punished. This is about sending a clear messages that siding with the left will not be tolerated in business. Hurt them, hurt them so much the publically beg for forgiveness and fire all regressives. Then we can forgive. But only after severe damage has been done, enough to out the fear of god into all other businesses that may consider left wing politics.
Like ABinbev, even if they curb their goober ways, they must still be punished. This is about sending a clear messages that siding with the left will not be tolerated in business. Hurt them, hurt them so much the publically beg for forgiveness and fire all regressives. Then we can forgive. But only after severe damage has been done, enough to out the fear of god into all other businesses that may consider left wing politics.