If everyone is already tribal except for one, then what is your solution? I don't want to separate each to their own but give an alternative because the current situation is not working.
That was one of my big disappointment as an adult, seeing how each minority is unapologetic tribal while white people are not even color blind but actively discriminating against whites. How exactly is society suppose to work?
It's to stop intentionally tribalizing people. Currently, every single government and corporate institution is in favor of racial division and tribalization, and is pushing it as hard as possible onto everyone. The solution is to not do that so that people can engage with each other amicably.
You say what is not a solution but what is it? Lets not forget that racial division is mostly against white people. There is no racial division being flamed between black and jews or black and asians if anything the media and governments are downplaying those tensions. white people becoming a minority is fine but also colonization is bad? - you can see that is not tribe vs tribe as much as tribes competing on who can fuck whites the most.
You can't be the one "following the rules" when you are the only one following the rules and everyone is encouraged to not follow the rules.
Sure it is bad in theory to tribalize people but white people are fucked so at the very least they should start tribalizing like the rest of them. Until white people start pushing back there is no reason for any of the other "tribes" to change course, there is literally nothing for them to gain in not being tribal, the entire system is designed and enforced around tribes. Newtons first law of motion comes to mind.
Find a way to get everyone on board with color blindness and treating people as individuals and I'll take it, but I'm not going to see that in my lifetime. A genocide of white people is more likely then that.
Racial division isn't being flamed because it isn't sought after. The racial divisions are severe in many cases, and enflaming them would cause major race riots, and quite unsustainable racial-based-backlash that would destroy the intersectional coalition of racialists on the Left.
This isn't about "following the rules" it's about recognizing that the racial activists themselves are merely Leftists wearing another skin suit, seeking to balkanize a society. They don't want societies that look like ethno-states. They actually do want a "diverse" society where there is no majority, and each group is loyal to a political party boss. That isn't the eradication of tribalism, it's you taking your tribal place. The optimal blueprint of a progressive government is Lebanon, where each identity faction is constitutionally guaranteed specific representation, such that no one can gain political power without appealing to the party-boss system.
This is a strategy the Democrats have been using for well over 150 years in every American city. There is a reason the globalists have a monument to the Tower of Bable, where no one speaks the same language. Focusing on your tribe at the detriment of other is just you claiming your spot in the tower, not realizing that the tower is destined to fall over and kill you; and that the people pushing you into it are your true enemy.
Find a way to get everyone on board with color blindness and treating people as individuals and I'll take it, but I'm not going to see that in my lifetime.
It's called Americanism. It's always been present. This is a civic nation. It has always been the primary target of the Left to break that.
Maybe I'm just black pilled but that tells me nothing. It provides no solution and serves no point, I see no good outcome for me or my children without watching out for themselves. As long as discrimination and demonization of white people continues my kids need to be prepared. It was manageable when white people where 90% but that time is long passed and there is no going back.
More then that the new generation of white kids should be taught that they have not caused this division and they are not responsible to fixing it, they need to watch out for themselves in a hostile environment.
If everyone is already tribal except for one, then what is your solution? I don't want to separate each to their own but give an alternative because the current situation is not working. That was one of my big disappointment as an adult, seeing how each minority is unapologetic tribal while white people are not even color blind but actively discriminating against whites. How exactly is society suppose to work?
It's to stop intentionally tribalizing people. Currently, every single government and corporate institution is in favor of racial division and tribalization, and is pushing it as hard as possible onto everyone. The solution is to not do that so that people can engage with each other amicably.
You say what is not a solution but what is it? Lets not forget that racial division is mostly against white people. There is no racial division being flamed between black and jews or black and asians if anything the media and governments are downplaying those tensions. white people becoming a minority is fine but also colonization is bad? - you can see that is not tribe vs tribe as much as tribes competing on who can fuck whites the most.
Sure it is bad in theory to tribalize people but white people are fucked so at the very least they should start tribalizing like the rest of them. Until white people start pushing back there is no reason for any of the other "tribes" to change course, there is literally nothing for them to gain in not being tribal, the entire system is designed and enforced around tribes. Newtons first law of motion comes to mind.
Find a way to get everyone on board with color blindness and treating people as individuals and I'll take it, but I'm not going to see that in my lifetime. A genocide of white people is more likely then that.
Racial division isn't being flamed because it isn't sought after. The racial divisions are severe in many cases, and enflaming them would cause major race riots, and quite unsustainable racial-based-backlash that would destroy the intersectional coalition of racialists on the Left.
This isn't about "following the rules" it's about recognizing that the racial activists themselves are merely Leftists wearing another skin suit, seeking to balkanize a society. They don't want societies that look like ethno-states. They actually do want a "diverse" society where there is no majority, and each group is loyal to a political party boss. That isn't the eradication of tribalism, it's you taking your tribal place. The optimal blueprint of a progressive government is Lebanon, where each identity faction is constitutionally guaranteed specific representation, such that no one can gain political power without appealing to the party-boss system.
This is a strategy the Democrats have been using for well over 150 years in every American city. There is a reason the globalists have a monument to the Tower of Bable, where no one speaks the same language. Focusing on your tribe at the detriment of other is just you claiming your spot in the tower, not realizing that the tower is destined to fall over and kill you; and that the people pushing you into it are your true enemy.
It's called Americanism. It's always been present. This is a civic nation. It has always been the primary target of the Left to break that.
Maybe I'm just black pilled but that tells me nothing. It provides no solution and serves no point, I see no good outcome for me or my children without watching out for themselves. As long as discrimination and demonization of white people continues my kids need to be prepared. It was manageable when white people where 90% but that time is long passed and there is no going back.
More then that the new generation of white kids should be taught that they have not caused this division and they are not responsible to fixing it, they need to watch out for themselves in a hostile environment.