Just who are these 'leaders' leading? I don't think any evangelical Christian, left or right, cares about what Russell Moore thinks. Trump is the most popular president among evangelical Christians despite his immoralities, because they are smart enough not to cut off their nose to spite their face.
This is the editor in chief of Billy Grahams newspaper. Billy graham is the holy of Holies for the American evangelical community. By proxy he is beyond influential and part of the political cabal that has been trying to leftoid evangelical Christians. The only other movement I’ve seen on par with this is the effort on Catholics to become socialists, where even one of the major catholic publications said to vote for joe Biden because climate change was more important than abortion…
Catholic doctrine has always been a via media between capitalism and socialism, and I can imagine that Americans would call that 'socialism'. See e.g. Rerum novarum. Both unbridled capitalism and communism/socialism are opposed by the Catholic Church, and rightly so.
The problem with the current pope is not "socialism" but the other stupid things, the retreat on the things which the Catholic Church unquestionably got right.
Just who are these 'leaders' leading? I don't think any evangelical Christian, left or right, cares about what Russell Moore thinks. Trump is the most popular president among evangelical Christians despite his immoralities, because they are smart enough not to cut off their nose to spite their face.
This is the editor in chief of Billy Grahams newspaper. Billy graham is the holy of Holies for the American evangelical community. By proxy he is beyond influential and part of the political cabal that has been trying to leftoid evangelical Christians. The only other movement I’ve seen on par with this is the effort on Catholics to become socialists, where even one of the major catholic publications said to vote for joe Biden because climate change was more important than abortion…
I mean, is the current pope spreading catholic doctrine?
Catholic doctrine has always been a via media between capitalism and socialism, and I can imagine that Americans would call that 'socialism'. See e.g. Rerum novarum. Both unbridled capitalism and communism/socialism are opposed by the Catholic Church, and rightly so.
The problem with the current pope is not "socialism" but the other stupid things, the retreat on the things which the Catholic Church unquestionably got right.