The japanese government has also been refusing to listen to hearings from people against the bill.
Oh and of course faggots like the American ambassador and has been trying to push LGBT agendas in Japan and faggots like "Unseen Japan" has been tweeting in support of the bill and talking about "defending LGBT rights" in Japan and getting tens of thousands of lots of likes from foreigners .
Its disgusting how Japan also has to fight with foreigners who want to subvert them on top of fighting with their own domestic traitors
Him and "Unseen Japan" channel which i suspect is owned by a jew,( what with their many videos about jewish culture and the way they recoil when you say that they are jews) are the two biggest foreign voices trying to push faggotry in Japan right now from what im seeing
The japanese government has also been refusing to listen to hearings from people against the bill.
Oh and of course faggots like the American ambassador and has been trying to push LGBT agendas in Japan and faggots like "Unseen Japan" has been tweeting in support of the bill and talking about "defending LGBT rights" in Japan and getting tens of thousands of lots of likes from foreigners .
Its disgusting how Japan also has to fight with foreigners who want to subvert them on top of fighting with their own domestic traitors
Him and "Unseen Japan" channel which i suspect is owned by a jew,( what with their many videos about jewish culture and the way they recoil when you say that they are jews) are the two biggest foreign voices trying to push faggotry in Japan right now from what im seeing