53 American Country Music Awards in Texas have man in a dress on the red carpet because of course they do (media.kotakuinaction2.win) posted 1 year ago by YesMovement 1 year ago by YesMovement +53 / -0 19 comments download share 19 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
...let me introduce you to the Hell that was country music in the '90s...
play that on loop for thirty minutes, then when you go out in public, have a friend drive up blasting it fromt he radio.
then tune to a ROCK STATION and that shit is still fucking playing...
Song was unavoidable, and I legitimately hated it after a while...
Some Gave All is a great song though.
And Billy Ray let Weird Al not just parody but outright mock it with "Achy Breaky Song" that's all about how terrible that song it.
fair enough, lol
honestly, I like some country, but I'm more of a metalhead, personally.
...and the internet basically revived metal, at least in the indie scene