I'm so sick of the constant whining from jews every time some palestinian shoots a rocket at them. They want to cry about it & milk it for sympathy constantly, then force Americans to give them billions of extra dollars to pay for their missile system.
Either go into the West Bank & Gaza and kill all your enemies, guns blazing, & take the propaganda hit for it, or shut the fuck up, because I'm tired of hearing about it & tired of listening to jews milking it for sympathy instead of actually using their vast military power to put an end to it. Why do we give the jews $3 billion in free US military gear every year if they won't use it to blow up the people rocketing them?
Because they want to keep milking it, that's why. If they actually stopped the rocket attacks they wouldn't be able to milk it anymore for their grift. The billions they're stealing from the US taxpayer would stop.
Why dont jews worldwide just go to israel then? Why does israel bitch or even rage war, if a country were to want to expel jews? and you cannot tell us to ignore the anti White american government with its many many politicians which are all related to jews in some way either married to jews or their kids married to jews and who love putting israel first.. And you cannot tell us to ignore the bankers either
Ben Shapiro was asked this & his response was "I can do more good for Israel by being in the US". YUP.