posted ago by SoctaticMethod1 ago by SoctaticMethod1 +11 / -0

Thought it'd be interesting to ask this, especially the Americans on here with the shootings each month. I'll provide a list and rank from who you trust the most with your security and the least. The list is:

  1. Yourself (armed)
  2. Yourself (unarmed)
  3. Friends and family (armed)
  4. Friends and family (unarmed)
  5. Strangers (armed)
  6. Strangers (unarmed)
  7. Police
  8. Private security
  9. Milita groups
  10. PMCs
  11. Military
  12. Organised crime (mafias, gangs, cartels etc)
  13. Other countries
  14. International organisations (UN etc)

For my pick, 1-5 stays the same, then I'd go milita groups, private security, unarmed strangers, PMCs, military, criminal organisations, other countries then tied last international bodies and police. The fact that I'd place mafias ABOVE police says a lot about how I feel about the current legal systems, I'd only put police higher if they are rural police. Criminal gangs kept the peace more during the 'summer of love' than the police so that's why I rank them higher.

I think I'm safe in saying 1-4 will probably be the same for everyone here, maybe different order but that's it. But in terms of what the governments are offering for your security, if you can't do it yourself, you're better off buying protection personally.