Ive been led to understand that in very extreme endurance events, women’s physical natures allow them to compete equally with men. Think here of like, 10 x Ironman triathlons. To give an idea of how long that would be, the run portion is 262 miles. The bike I suppose would be over 1,000 miles. These events are, obviously, not high-participation sports, but apparently at extreme distances like that the physical advantage of men vanishes, even taking into consideration the fact that such a distance would be impossible for like 99 percent of people regardless of gender.
Ive been led to understand that in very extreme endurance events, women’s physical natures allow them to compete equally with men. Think here of like, 10 x Ironman triathlons. To give an idea of how long that would be, the run portion is 262 miles. The bike I suppose would be over 1,000 miles. These events are, obviously, not high-participation sports, but apparently at extreme distances like that the physical advantage of men vanishes, even taking into consideration the fact that such a distance would be impossible for like 99 percent of people regardless of gender.