The film is Righteous Thieves, it came out recently.
This is without question the most depressingly woke, dogshit, bottom of the barrel thing I have ever seen in my life. Every choice that was made was wrong, they twisted history completely in order to push "Nazi bad" and literally every single choice made in the film made it worse.
I've never seen anything like it, this is the perfect storm of woke all coming together to humiliate every viewer of this piece of shit.
The director is, of course, a young black guy with almost no experience. The writer is shockingly a white man, but he has NO OTHER writing credits. Nothing. Not a single fucking thing. I'm assuming he is gay and sucked a room full of dicks to get this job because that is the only explanation I can think of.
The cast is, of course, all minority women. In a heist film. There's one Mexican guy who of course fucks everything up and takes orders from the women while humiliating himself at ever chance, and the token 'white guy who is a good guy but treats everyone like shit and is universally disliked only to really show himself as a bad guy at the end but don't worry they all knew he was a bad guy from the start.'
The premise is laughable, they completely twist everything about Nazis stealing Jewish art and create an absurd concept.
Out of all of this dogshit though my personal favorite is the Jewish, Holocaust survivor (who somehow has a bright, brand new professional tattoo of numbers on his arm) picks a BLACK GIRL to get revenge for him.
Not a Jew, not a guy, a random black chick he just happens upon. That's his protege. That's who he makes CEO and runs his company consisting only of angry white men who all hate her for being black.
Of course she chooses an incredibly attractive female hacker who can barely type who also somehow knows Judo enough to kick the shit out of highly trained German operatives at every opportunity.
But wait, it gets worse. The 'lock picker' is a 20 something black girl with big tits and piercings who can't act for shit and somehow knows how to break in to every single lock known to man despite her age.
This is unquestionably the worst major studio funded film I have seen out of tens of thousands across my lifetime. I've seen bad films, tons of them, but never, ever so pitifully pathetic and nauseating as this one.
Lionsgate you are responsible for the worst film ever to be made.
It cannot get worse then this. This is rock bottom for Hollywood. Everyone involved in this film needs to be fired into the sun.
I have an alternative theory:
The original script was nothing like the final draft except that it was a heist movie with a twist. The director re-wrote it, but didn't pursue a writing credit.
If it's a success, he can trot out the original treatment and prove he re-wrote it, and claim he didn't want the legal battle involved with writing royalties because he had a film to make.
If it's a failure, the director can play the mercenary, and say he shot the film as it was written.
As for why the author of the original draft didn't remove his name from the production, he doesn't have any prior credits. Now he has a screenwriter's guild card. He got his foot in the door.
If by some strange twist the film was successful, he'd be a good screenwriter, but even a bad screenwriter is better than a barista.
Everybody wins except the people who financed the thing. No conspiracies involved, just people acting in their own (perceived) best interest.