posted ago by dekachin ago by dekachin +23 / -1
  • When the heat was on and the Left was seething, Republicans passed a very reasonable 15 week abortion ban that was broadly popular enough to give the Left 0 benefit and 0 backlash.

  • Then just recently, now that the Right has consolidated more power and allowed the Left to waste their energy & credibility on dumb shit like "don't say gay" and banning porn books from schools, the Republicans come in with: "15 weeks? Let's do 6 weeks instead with exceptions for rape, incest and human trafficking" switching Florida from one of the more moderate restrictions to one of the most strict short of a ban.

And you know what? It's barely in the news. 0 backlash. There is no much other shit going on that this went right under the news cycle, and Democrats have already been seething so much over every little thing in Florida because they're desperate to stop DeSantis, that their REEEEing over this is just background noise.

This is how you win at politics. You win the battles you can win and move the front lines forward without overextending like many Rs did last year and got backlash, then you wait for your time to strike and you get it done. Politics is a game of propaganda, momentum, and timing.

I'm glad at least 1 state in this country has figured that out.