The fast food, "I feel," "I want," "I think," self-centered, weak, idolatrous, Americanized "Christianity" is often closer to "do as thou wilt" Satanism than historical Christendom.
It's like a Satanic lullaby has herded people into a fraudulent version, allowing them to worship themselves but still have an emotional positive feeling that everything is OK like a spiritual comfort blanket. Positive affirmations with the core doctrines (like God's law, which flows with grace when we fail) and history stripped out.
Growing up in the US I know I've also been tainted as well (also by my own sin) and it's scary. Often I only focus on fixing myself rather than serving and glorifying God, seeking to advance His Kingdom. This has been a sick land for decades, and the cancer has metastasized
"American Christianity teaches the centrality of the individual: my will, my experiences, my decision, my heart, my work, and my dedication."
"Has American Christianity Failed? - Bryan Wolfmueller (Gets into Americanized cults of revivalism, pietism (all about my personal experience rather than the Kingdom of God), and mysticism).
I said, “Oh, that I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and find rest. How far away I would flee! In the wilderness I would remain. I would hurry to my shelter, far from this raging tempest.” - Psalm 55:6-8
The fast food, "I feel," "I want," "I think," self-centered, weak, idolatrous, Americanized "Christianity" is often closer to "do as thou wilt" Satanism than historical Christendom.
It's like a Satanic lullaby has herded people into a fraudulent version, allowing them to worship themselves but still have an emotional positive feeling that everything is OK like a spiritual comfort blanket. Positive affirmations with the core doctrines (like God's law, which flows with grace when we fail) and history stripped out.
Growing up in the US I know I've also been tainted as well (also by my own sin) and it's scary. Often I only focus on fixing myself rather than serving and glorifying God, seeking to advance His Kingdom. This has been a sick land for decades, and the cancer has metastasized
"American Christianity teaches the centrality of the individual: my will, my experiences, my decision, my heart, my work, and my dedication."
I said, “Oh, that I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and find rest. How far away I would flee! In the wilderness I would remain. I would hurry to my shelter, far from this raging tempest.” - Psalm 55:6-8