Deliberately walking closely behind someone as they walk home at night
And how do they judge intent?
Making obscene or aggressive comments towards a person in the street
Aggressive? I thought this was about sex? Are you making it illegal to call a self-obsessed piece of shit who makes you walk on the opposite side of the road a self obsessed piece of shit?
Making obscene or offensive gestures towards a person in the street
Again, does this ban insults?
Obstructing someone's path
#WasteTheirTime2023, report every woman walking slowly as if they blocked your path.
Driving or riding a vehicle slowly near someone making a journey
Asking for directions is now illegal because your masters said so.
We can't fight them in the courts, we can't fight them at the ballot box, we can't fight them with truths, traitors are forcing us to surrender.
Again you trot out this "we" bullshit when you inevitably turn on everyone for perceived slights such as wanting children and actually producing a genetic legacy [tradcucks] rather than buying the same Epic game multiple times as you do.
You have no side. You have no team. You don't even have something to leave behind and actively attack those that do or mention wanting to.
Additionally, this bill hasn't passed yet, nor does it apply to "the UK" as you've decided to title things here.
It's a private members bill that has passed a stage of the process and only applies to England and Wales. Not that you let details ever get in the way of sperging out.
We can't fight them in the courts, we can't fight them at the ballot box, we can't fight them with truths, traitors are forcing us to surrender.
It is literally more of a crime to walk close to a woman than to punch someone. Non-racially motivated assault carries a penalty of community service if the injuries are not serious.
The private member's bill will criminalise:
And how do they judge intent?
Aggressive? I thought this was about sex? Are you making it illegal to call a self-obsessed piece of shit who makes you walk on the opposite side of the road a self obsessed piece of shit?
Again, does this ban insults?
#WasteTheirTime2023, report every woman walking slowly as if they blocked your path.
Asking for directions is now illegal because your masters said so.
Again you trot out this "we" bullshit when you inevitably turn on everyone for perceived slights such as wanting children and actually producing a genetic legacy [tradcucks] rather than buying the same Epic game multiple times as you do.
You have no side. You have no team. You don't even have something to leave behind and actively attack those that do or mention wanting to.
Additionally, this bill hasn't passed yet, nor does it apply to "the UK" as you've decided to title things here.
It's a private members bill that has passed a stage of the process and only applies to England and Wales. Not that you let details ever get in the way of sperging out.