A friend asked me how a place like San Francisco could afford paying black people so much money for reparations. The answer is, the city is paying the equivalent of it. The payment is in rent for a house that is supposedly so much a month. While the city waits to come back, they can claim all their neighborhoods are still super priced and they did all this good stuff for black people. Then, the politicians keep most of the money because they're paying themselves for the rent. The house hasn't sold or been rented in months, the city makes an offer or a court order, and the owner just gives up.
It's a great trick, and only backfires when it's the full neighborhood, and no one is willing to move out.
We can see the same for Homeless Housing. Build up a bunch of houses that can only house a few, but pay rent to yourselves for the house. Profit. Then complain you need more for all the other tent cities. Then claim all the organizations that do take care of homeless people are evil racist homophobes who should be destroyed. I watched it happen in Seattle.
There's also investment and architecture firms that want to take out low income housing and build big expensive parking and highrises. What happened in Seattle is now happening in Florida. Ironically the best method to keep out the investors and greedy city council has been calling them racist. There's an entire section of Orlando that has remained because of the traditional black neighborhoods in it. All of the bellyaching that it could help has fallen on deaf ears because many of the older folks remember similar tricks from their youth.
So there, now you know what is happening with reparations. It's a money laundering schemes.
So I could snag me some San Francisco property and rent it to some tard
Possibly. Enjoy your reparations.