We are witnessing another moral-panic with retards trying to make another word taboo. For absolutely nothing.
There is no widespread negativity associated with "JRPG". A handful of presstitutes who hate gamers and spoke in an unflatering way of JRPGs don't represent gamers, and is no reason to avoid a word.
Yet you have the fee-feels brigade claiming "language evolves, you can use another word that isn't offensive".
No. Fuck-off. Stop nitpicking everything to summon offense out of thin air.
We are witnessing another moral-panic with retards trying to make another word taboo. For absolutely nothing.
There is no widespread negativity associated with "JRPG". A handful of presstitutes who hate gamers and spoke in an unflatering way of JRPGs don't represent gamers, and is no reason to avoid a word.
Yet you have the fee-feels brigade claiming "language evolves, you can use another word that isn't offensive".
No. Fuck-off. Stop nitpicking everything to summon offense out of thin air.