posted ago by YesMovement ago by YesMovement +30 / -0


David Johnston was the commissioner of the Leaders' Debates Commission who decided to ban True North and Rebel from covering the election debates in 2019 (until the Federal Court told the Commission to pound salt).

He tried to ban rebel again in 2021, another judge overturned that one too.


A Liberal insider and Trudeau Foundation member known for echoing Chinese government talking points... I'm sure he'll do a fine job...Trudeau is more glaringly corrupt with every decision he makes.


Member of foundation that just had to return $200,000 it got from the Chinese Communist Party named to head investigation into Chinese Communist Party election interference. Not an Onion headline.


As the Trudeau Govt’ appointed Debate Commissioner, David Johnston appointed WE Charity’s Keilburger to the debate commission and allowed a host from CBC, who sued the Conservative Party, to moderate the “fair” leaders debate. What are the odds he concludes there doesn’t need to be a public inquiry?

EDIT: Well at least there's not a picture of him shaking hands with the head of the CCP, and certainly not at the same time as imprisoned democracy activist and Nobel Peace laureate Liu Xiaobo ("China’s Nelson Mandela") died under heavy guard... https://twitter.com/TerryGlavin/status/1636111760662097921

Article linked in tweet from Macleans.ca - Ottawa's despicable display in China: https://archive.is/MjgBh