Improve country = mass immigration, drag queen story hours, transing kids, open discrimination against white people and men, targeting Christians and parents as terrorists while tanking the economy in the process, did I miss anything?
Hand in hand with 'drag queen story hours' and 'transing kids' is the Social-Emotional Learning push, which is the name Maoists use for 'grooming kids into being a red guard.'
The cultural revolution is on its way to America and you can see the bleeding red edge of it in our classrooms.
Improve country = mass immigration, drag queen story hours, transing kids, open discrimination against white people and men, targeting Christians and parents as terrorists while tanking the economy in the process, did I miss anything?
Hand in hand with 'drag queen story hours' and 'transing kids' is the Social-Emotional Learning push, which is the name Maoists use for 'grooming kids into being a red guard.'
The cultural revolution is on its way to America and you can see the bleeding red edge of it in our classrooms.