Isolationism got us Hitler, Tojo, and WW2. It does not work. All isolationism does is open a huge power vacuum which will be filled by America's enemies, who will eventually attack America's interest abroad.
Global supply chains mean that isolationism is absolute suicide, far moreso than WW2. Isolationism means that China could seize control of natural resources and trade partners America is dependent on, and then subjugate America into its vassal state through sanctions without ever needing to fire a shot.
The American stock market represents about 33% foreign investments. The world is interconnected. Your retirement depends on American dominance of the seas whether you like it or not.
"America First" has always been a slogan I can get behind.
"America First" and isolationism are incompatible. Bowing to China and Russia and allowing them to conquer the world, and eventually America, is not "America First".
US foreign relations aren't, and shouldn't be, some sort of hyper game of chicken. "Brinkmanship" I think it's called.
Okay, and? What chicken exactly are you referring to? America should build alliances that serve the interest of the US taxpayer. THAT is "America First".
"Cuck bitch talking point"? What ever happened to diplomacy? It's been lost in the babble of talking-head saber-rattling.
Funny how many right wingers suddenly become doves when the enemy is Russia and Russia has bought your loyalty with ridiculous pandering culture war propaganda, while Russia also funds black faggot criminal gangs to cause chaos here in America:
Russia is not your friend, my guy, they've played you. Putin doesn't care about the cultural war at all. If faggots were willing to fight for him in Ukraine, he would be doing a press conference in a dress tomorrow.
Isolationism got us Hitler, Tojo, and WW2. It does not work. All isolationism does is open a huge power vacuum which will be filled by America's enemies, who will eventually attack America's interest abroad.
Global supply chains mean that isolationism is absolute suicide, far moreso than WW2. Isolationism means that China could seize control of natural resources and trade partners America is dependent on, and then subjugate America into its vassal state through sanctions without ever needing to fire a shot.
The American stock market represents about 33% foreign investments. The world is interconnected. Your retirement depends on American dominance of the seas whether you like it or not.
"America First" and isolationism are incompatible. Bowing to China and Russia and allowing them to conquer the world, and eventually America, is not "America First".
Okay, and? What chicken exactly are you referring to? America should build alliances that serve the interest of the US taxpayer. THAT is "America First".
Funny how many right wingers suddenly become doves when the enemy is Russia and Russia has bought your loyalty with ridiculous pandering culture war propaganda, while Russia also funds black faggot criminal gangs to cause chaos here in America:
Russia is not your friend, my guy, they've played you. Putin doesn't care about the cultural war at all. If faggots were willing to fight for him in Ukraine, he would be doing a press conference in a dress tomorrow.