Reject the funding. Handle your own business in your own town. Stop letting fedbois buy your compliance and obedience with meaningless fiat paper.
So much this. I wish cities and states would just decide to reject all these strings. Government is way too big. Reduce taxes, implement something like Electoral College for states - or just stop letting cities make doctrine for people outside of the city - and let people handle it themselves.
So much this. I wish cities and states would just decide to reject all these strings. Government is way too big. Reduce taxes, implement something like Electoral College for states - or just stop letting cities make doctrine for people outside of the city - and let people handle it themselves.
Absolutely. And they're also naturally quite reluctant to reduce their own power.
This is not about what people can do but to give an excuse for the local administration to push it while keeping their job.
"It is not us is the feds making us do it" excuse.