Despite my current account being new, I've been around TDW and the .win communities since the start. This is just like my 40th account or so. I get banned often.
KA2 was always a community I visited but not one of my primary communities. I remember years ago, KA2 seemed to have a very diverse community group with a lot of women also. I'd say the politics of KA2 was very bluepilled but with a realization that woke in video games is problematic.
I used to joke that KA2 was full of horned up teenagers that just wanted to see big anime titties and were upset feminists kept censoring their video games.
When I used to post on KA2, I usually got downvoted significantly, had people reply to me very angrily and I'd usually get banned.
Now it seems like through IMP1's nonstop barrage on the community, KA2 has almost become some MGTOW/KA2/ConPro hybrid and it's not even Imp1 anymore posting nonstop anti-women (not just crazy feminists) articles. Even the mods seem to have given up with a lot of stuff they'd have previously banned over.
Now arguably, any "redpilled" community if not constantly censored will kind of divulge into what KA2 has become because as people start to open their eyes to what's going on, this progression might be inevitable but I feel like Imp1 has had a major impact himself entirely that might have ensured the community didn't naturally progress itself but it just driven off a lot of previous members.
How does the KA2 community feel? Everything all good? Or not really as good as it was a couple years ago?
Disclaimer: this is a bit of a meta-comment; it's not at all trying to convince you of anything. And sorry for the length -- read or not as you see fit. But please read it!
Ah... but this is the problem. I mostly lurk here because I'm not interested in badgering randos about 1066! Here, consider the following...
I'm sure you're familiar with Thomas Kuhn's 'Structure of Scientific Revolutions' wherein, as a counterpoint to positivism, he posits that Science (and Academics, really) advances from one paradigm shift to another, and scientists trapped inside a paradigm can rarely see outside of it. Another way of putting it is that science advances one funeral at a time...
Well, the dominant paradigm of holocaust scholarship is that (a) the holocaust happened and we require no proof of it. This is supported by the letter in Le Monde in the 70s where a few dozen holocaust scholars said that (paraphrasing) 'we will not investigate the technical feasability of the holocaust -- its technical feasibility is proven by the fact that it happened'. It's also supported by the fact that...well... they never talk about it. Okay... so much for objectivity. The 'scholars' simply look into camp conditions, train schedules and, obviously, the 'psychology' of the NatSocs etc.
My paradigm is: I don't care if Hitler ate babies, all that I care about are the technical details. And I've not uncovered 'one' discrepancy... it's that there is not one part of the holocaust that is feasabile in any way except the disposal of the ashes at Auschwitz. I've spent years reading about this and only about this (I mean, I read other things, like Manga etc). I only have a basic general knowledge of the Beer Hall Putsch or Reichstag Fire etc... so I have nothing at all (cogent) to say about whether Hitler or NatSoc were good/viable.
This is why I don't engage randos. A paradigm shift requires a combination of a slow build-up and a kind of Zen moment. Once you understand that the technical feasibility of the event has to be established, at least in broad lines before the Hannah Arendt stuff can be validated... then you're forced into the same conclusions that I came to. Otherwise you're back to the 'Hitler hated people schema' which... well, whatever.
It's like when I explain Quantum Field Theory to people. I have to say: 'okay, but I really have to start a few decades back, so this will take a while. Just accept everything for the next hour, and it will all make sense'. The people that stick with it appreciate it.
And, by the way, I don't hate individual Jews at all. As an engineer, I know tons of them. For me, they're a bit like Italians and Greeks -- phenomenal people, but way too social for me. I'm better off with the northern folk or Americans.