Shadiversity (and the second channel, Knights Watch)
Metatron - for the history buffs and Japanophiles that aren't degenerate vermin
Flair - if you like hunting, fishing, and other country boy shit.
Abroad in Japan - if you're into Japanese shit that isn't degenerate.
Noriyaro - if you're into car culture, Japanese car culture to be specific. Mostly centered on drifting. Think Tokyo Drift minus degeneracy. And 0% Bow Wow.
VideogameDunkey - Need I say anything? If you have a video game guide, you don't need video games.
Brandon Herrera
Donut operator
Shadiversity (and the second channel, Knights Watch)
Metatron - for the history buffs and Japanophiles that aren't degenerate vermin
Flair - if you like hunting, fishing, and other country boy shit.
Abroad in Japan - if you're into Japanese shit that isn't degenerate.
Noriyaro - if you're into car culture, Japanese car culture to be specific. Mostly centered on drifting. Think Tokyo Drift minus degeneracy. And 0% Bow Wow.
VideogameDunkey - Need I say anything? If you have a video game guide, you don't need video games.