If its not a.i, it's a.i assisted. I've rarely seen such extraordinary grasping and shameful rhetoric performed with such precision and care before.
AI may sound impressive, but it does not have precision and care. And while I disagree with this guy, and think that the mistake of Ukrainian statehood needs to be ended, I'm glad to hear a counter-argument to what 99% of people here believe.
Apparently, giving Ukraine all our weapons and money until the west has no money or weapons is a good way to prepare the west for the inevitable conflict it was always going to have to contend with regardless who wins or loses in Ukraine.
If you only care about weakening Russia, and don't care about the civilian consequences, the possibility of World War, and inflation and misery in Europe (and our ruling classes most certainly do not), then they are following the right course of action.
For ordinary people, anti-Russia is a psychosis. For the ruling class, it is crafty politics.
AI may sound impressive, but it does not have precision and care. And while I disagree with this guy, and think that the mistake of Ukrainian statehood needs to be ended, I'm glad to hear a counter-argument to what 99% of people here believe.
If you only care about weakening Russia, and don't care about the civilian consequences, the possibility of World War, and inflation and misery in Europe (and our ruling classes most certainly do not), then they are following the right course of action.
For ordinary people, anti-Russia is a psychosis. For the ruling class, it is crafty politics.