CNN says investigation into Biden's top secret files will not have democrats involved. CNN says DeSantis dropping African history class is rewriting history. Wayne State University is trying to turn Detroit into a black history major center. They hope to turn the area into a major black history and cultural studies promotional point. Covid to be treated like flu. This will mean annual shots aimed at the same strain, and everything else the flu shot has become.
I don’t understand these people who say republicans are trying to ban history. This is clearly just to beat white kids over the head. I’ve reached the conclusion that basic history should be taught and anything else can be electives or learn on your own. If you have a hard on for hearing about how evil the U.S. is then there are plenty of resources out there you can consume on your own time
The problem is, if you read outside of the hate white people books, your opinion changes. They are demanding that we only read their books.
True. During the Floyd riots when the “Lift black voices” mantra was everywhere someone asked me for suggestions and I recommended Thomas Sowell. He came back angry and said that Sowell just says what white conservatives want to hear
Tell him to read Medea and then watch zlDiary of a mad black woman.