Every source (Homeros, Herodotos, Aristophanes, Plutarchos etc. etc.; statues, vases – see the famous Attic janiform red-figure aryballos – etc.)
depicts Greeks and their gods as being white.
Being tanned (only men!) does not mean that the Greeks were brown or black.
But hey, this is just another little step to eradicate white people from history...
You can see it in old painting around Europe, old people and men tend to look darker then women for the obvious reason, if you work outside you get a tan. It is especially visible when comparing with young women being depicted.
Either way you should post some archive link for the show
'Either way you should post some archive link for the show'
It's Percy Jackson, which was (and still?) popular among teens, where many characters were change to non-white...
I'd rather share this link: https://www.greecehighdefinition.com/blog/2019/11/24/what-was-the-ancient-greeks-view-on-people-of-african-descent-africans-in-ancient-greece-and-greek-art
Holy fuck how did that crap even get a second movie, let alone anything else?