Don't believe everything that you read on the internet. The post is bait from a reddit offsite that likes orange cats & drama and hates merari & bardfinn.
Same group that has and is behind everything that was and is happening on loveforlandlords
No. It was about identifying which site I referred to.
Also joost is not a tranny, only steve is one. Check your new zealandish manure producers to get up to date.
Both are shitty mods, but both don't get paid - even though bf thinks his work is worth 175k/year.
You can dislike tranny jannies without falling for bait.
Don't believe everything that you read on the internet. The post is bait from a reddit offsite that likes orange cats & drama and hates merari & bardfinn.
Same group that has and is behind everything that was and is happening on loveforlandlords
And you're suggesting we should like the tranny jannies?
No. It was about identifying which site I referred to.
Also joost is not a tranny, only steve is one. Check your new zealandish manure producers to get up to date.
Both are shitty mods, but both don't get paid - even though bf thinks his work is worth 175k/year.
You can dislike tranny jannies without falling for bait.
All of the jannies are trannies. If not literally, metaphorically.