They even argued that there wasn't a disruption to voters. They had an """expert""" testify who was a Leftist academician with TDS, look over some statistical data, and claim that any disruption to the election was disproven by the statistical data he was provided. Despite the fact that I don't think he even lives in Arizona, and everyone physically witnessed Maricopa being shit.
Again: the state's argument is literally:
The printing issue was caused by unknown people at 3 polling locations troubleshooting the printing issue. All the other places that had disruptions were caused by humna-humna-magic.
This was totally unexpected because it never came up in testing, but it did come up in all the previous elections.
There were never any delays or disruptions, and everyone is lying, including your eyes.
The Chain of Custody in Maricopa County is perfectly fine, and we can demonstrate this because we destroyed all the original evidence.
Voting on election day is irresponsible, and you deserve to have your votes miscounted if you do. [NEW]
How dare the plebs question the sacred democracy! These uninitiated heathens cannot possibly understand the hallowed mysteries. Fortunately, the priests are able to divine the sacred sigils and annoint our leaders.
Most of the defense's arguments have been.
They even argued that there wasn't a disruption to voters. They had an """expert""" testify who was a Leftist academician with TDS, look over some statistical data, and claim that any disruption to the election was disproven by the statistical data he was provided. Despite the fact that I don't think he even lives in Arizona, and everyone physically witnessed Maricopa being shit.
Again: the state's argument is literally:
How dare the plebs question the sacred democracy! These uninitiated heathens cannot possibly understand the hallowed mysteries. Fortunately, the priests are able to divine the sacred sigils and annoint our leaders.
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!