posted ago by AlfredicEnglishRules ago by AlfredicEnglishRules +12 / -1

I haven't seen the movie, so I'm not claiming first hand knowledge. It looks like the Black Adam movie is a dumb fun comic action flick. I liked Aquaman, and it looks to be in that same realm. It did well enough to beat a few Disney films on it's opening day.

But now it's claimed to be a failure. Even though it has a profit and has paid off it's debts, the websites are claiming it's a failure.

So, here's my question, is this true? I have seen Sony lie about sales number directly. Disney paid websites to promote their latest movies. The Captain Marvel movie with empty seats, but claims to be sold out have been discussed here. Warner Bros and DC are major competitors to Disney and Marvel. Would Disney be willing to pay websites to make it sound like DC is a failure? Especially when James Gunn is canning so many films and stories.

Since we know websites lie for those they like, would this be something they were willing to do?

I'm not claiming to know if the film is good or not. I hated the first Wonder Woman movie, and watch the animated films more often. It just seems weird that there is so much push to claim the movie is a failure when it's not.