Hey, guys. I run a fork of the game Cortex Command, which is a 2d pixel-physics retro-rtt-shooter game that went open source a while back. We want to both improve the game's content and C++ source and foster a strong modding community, since the modding system and Lua scripting are uniquely intuitive and powerful.
This is an open invitation to all the people here that feel that there is no place for them in the indie-open-source space. We're sane people and the only limitations on free speech are if you're an obvious glowie or you completely ruin the chat. We also stand in direct opposition to another, trooned-out fork of the game you may or may not have heard of.
We're particularly looking for people that have been aching for a project like this to contribute to that isn't run by disgusting people, but obviously we invite anyone that just wants to hang out too.
Our self-hosted chat: https://www.cortexcommandcenter.net/home
Our github: https://github.com/Cortex-Command-Center/
Our gitgud (just a backup for now): https://gitgud.io/Cortex-Command-Center
Our ModDB: https://www.moddb.com/games/cortex-command-community-continuation
tell me about the troons, and how they're ruining the other fork
they've managed to get a few code monkeys (i insult monkeys here) to type away at the c++ source, but you know evil cannot create, so any actual content they come up with is pitiful. for instance, mods used to be the core part of CC, but they keep driving off all the modders with actual good ideas so they're just left with the sorta trash the few modder trannies they have can come up with. i left them with some very good content, out of pity for all the clueless players showing up, and they've taken to deleting it just out of pure seethe.
none of that compares to the awful atmosphere though... i don't have to tell you about that, do i?
Hey don't insult the egg gun like that it's a masterpiece 10/10 the greatest mod to ever exist lmao