But still. You heard her. This happens every day, she says. She doesn’t even like leaving her house.
Except I happen to know that’s not true. Because I did a show about her last week — when she left her house. To go to a blue-chip, fancy people only panel at Carleton J-school. She was on a panel with the president of CBC, the head of Global News (her boss) and the bureau chief of CTV. These were the most powerful women in Ottawa media. And sitting next to them was no-one less than the Liberal public safety minister. So not only was she safe, she felt safe. And she was laughing and joking and talking about her favourite subject — herself! She wanted to talk about herself, and laugh, and me me me me. Did she look terrified to you?
But remember her girl power panel the other day. Remember what they wanted — they wanted the Liberals to criminalize people talking back to journalists in mean ways. Journalists can be mean to you. You just can’t be mean back. And — almost like it was choreographed — the public safety minister responded to this tearful request:
Almost like they set that whole thing up.
She also whines about 19th century insults:
But here’s another message she showed. One that calls her an insulting name — an old crone.
She also believes a claim there's been pre-covid sleeper cells imbedded in Global News to stalk her since before she even started working there.
“Just so you know, we’ve had people posing as stringers infiltrating you guys across the country for years. Long before Covid came along. Did you ever wonder how home addresses and hangouts of people leak out, including ones of health officials who were nobodies before 2020?,” and it goes on like that.
cope seethe die journo scum
Video is paywall but but lengthy article isn't.
She also whines about 19th century insults:
She also believes a claim there's been pre-covid sleeper cells imbedded in Global News to stalk her since before she even started working there.
Video is now uploaded: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSQUZvg5HjM