Fear porn ads on TV and radio are still a thing. States have brought back indoor mask “recommendations” (but not mandates). My parents are still nuts about the entire thing. So much so that my father obsessed over the state’s “death count”, and uses it to slam me for “not caring enough”…
My grandmother has had, like, four booster shots (because fear). My cousins rarely ever go out, and almost never without a mask…
But it’s not just my family. Someone told me today that he is no longer doing his job for the year, and all his colleagues have taken “an extended break until next year”, because “Covid means we are focusing on only essential services, not anything else”. And this is in the healthcare sector…
It’s insane. It’s been nearly three years. Less than 500 people have died, here. And yet, still this continues…
“Hospitalizations!” “Daily infection numbers!” “One more person died!”
I honestly don’t see them giving this up, or masks and boosters going away, probably like ever, here…
Which is just sad, frankly.
I assume other parts of the world have moved on, largely?
Certainly not Asia, notably, or fucking New Zealand of course, but I would hope that other parts of the world have, at the very least…
I’ve only seen two recent examples here in the Midwest: the first was a man bun soy boy faggot at a donut place who asked his girlfriend if she was social distancing; this was about six months ago. The other was an old bitch at a pharmacy who held up the line because she couldn’t get it thru her dumbass head to go online and it will have all the answers to your stupid ass questions you dried up old cunt.
Side tangent: if anyone asks me why I don’t believe it was as bad as the media tried to convince us it was my argument is if it was so catastrophic then you wouldn’t have had a bunch of cunt nurses dancing around for TikTok vids like a bunch of stupid ass millennials and gen z’rs. Yeah it’s so bad but you still have time to dance like chimps for clicks. Fuck doctors and always remember: trust the science is the new opiate of the masses.