The article was written by, Imp forgive me, a woman, but it's worth a read.
Essentially, technology has given those in charge all sorts of ways to tyrannize the people. At the same time, the ways online communities work (ex. autocratic mods) have acclimatized those who've grown up online to the sort of authoritarian governance perpetrated against them by those in charge.
The difference between the relatively soft-pedalled and opt-in nature of cyborg technocracy in the West, compared to its full-bore top-down rollout in China, is mostly down to the fact that Chinese culture doesn’t emphasise the individual as is the case in the West. Un-softened by the Western cultural imperative to reassure those who still believe in individual freedom, the Chinese order looks more nakedly, coercively dystopian than the one now emerging in the West. But it’s the same picture.
And it’s not just coming. It’s already here. You can expect the majority of Western young people to welcome it. For we’ve been forming young people into the ideal citizens for a distributed, unaccountable, AI-supported procedural technocracy since the early 2000s, by acclimatising them to the governance norms of social media. That demographic is now well into adulthood, and have by and large accepted the transition to digital post-democracy without a murmur.
Reasonable people remain divided, of course, over whether lockdown measures were justified in the name of disease control
Ofc, not like we have data on the impact of the lockdown efficency before..., also we now get great data on the side effects.
But surely this is something that could only happen Over There, in places where Our Democracy doesn’t prevail. Well, let’s not forget that as Thomas Fazi noted yesterday, the G20 recently announced a resolution to strengthen global digital health infrastructure including surveillance capacity at borders, global standards on proof of vaccination, and a commitment to “capitalise and build on the success of the existing standards and digital Covid-19 certificates.”
A fellow out of the loop, since we already had test runs in the western world to some extent and outside of china. But it did not last, IT problems and lack of current political capital.
The article was written by, Imp forgive me, a woman, but it's worth a read.
Essentially, technology has given those in charge all sorts of ways to tyrannize the people. At the same time, the ways online communities work (ex. autocratic mods) have acclimatized those who've grown up online to the sort of authoritarian governance perpetrated against them by those in charge.
Worse, it seems to be a feminist or at least self proclaimed. At least imp might appreciate the big bad system being symbolized as a woman.
Ofc, not like we have data on the impact of the lockdown efficency before..., also we now get great data on the side effects.
A fellow out of the loop, since we already had test runs in the western world to some extent and outside of china. But it did not last, IT problems and lack of current political capital.